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Tuesday, July 31, 2012


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يُنْبِتُ لَكُمْ بِهِ الزَّرْعَ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالنَّخِيلَ وَالْأَعْنَابَ وَمِنْ كُلِّ الثَّمَرَاتِ ۗ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَةً لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ
He causes to grow for you thereby herbage, and the olives, and the palm trees, and the grapes, and of all the fruits; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect [An-Nahl, 16: 11]

Grapes are mentioned 6 times

Hazrat Jabbir Bin Abdullah (Radiyallah Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) said, “You have resaisins (dried grapes) which make the colour of face handsome and remove the phlegm”

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, Narrated Abdullah bi Abbass (R.A): Raisins were soaked for Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) He used to drink this syrup that day, the next day and sometimes the third day

It has been believed that the regular intake of wine or grape juice not only helps lower blood glucose and cholesterol but also gives your skin a more youthful glow. New research suggests that wine grapes really do have beauty-boosting properties. Here, a look at some of the science and its applications.
Benefits: Research suggests polyphenols—antioxidant-packed compounds in grapeseeds—can fight the aging effects of sunlight and pollution. Crushed grapeseeds act as an exfoliant.
Benefits: Resveratrol, found in grapevines, protects them from fungus. Research shows that when applied to skin, it can stimulate cell renewal. Viniferine, a polyphenol in vines, may lessen skin discoloration.
Grape Skins and Stems
Benefits: Antioxidant-rich polyphenols are abundant in grape skins and stems. A grape-skin, stem and seed mixture called marc helps slough away dead skin.
The health benefits of grapes include its ablity to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration and prevention of cataract. Grapes, one of the most delicious fruits, are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6 and folate in addition to essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. Grapes contain flavonoids that are very powerful antioxidants, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slacken ageing.
Grapes, owing to their high nutrient content, play an important role in ensuring a healthy and robust life.
Benefits: Some of the health benefits of grapes include the following:
o Asthma: Due to its eminent therapeutic value, grapes can be used for cure of asthma. In addition to it, the assimilatory power of grapes is also higher. It increases the moisture present in lungs.
o Heart diseases: Grapes increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots thereby reducing the chances of heart attacks. In addition the antioxidant present in grapes prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels.
o Migraine: Ripe grape juice is an important home remedy for curing migraine. It should be taken early in the morning, without mixing additional water.
o Constipation: Grapes are very effective in overcoming constipation. They are considered as a laxative food, as they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose. They also relieve chronic constipation by toning up intestine and stomach.
o Indigestion: Grapes play an important role in dyspepsia. They relieve heat and cure indigestion and irritation of the stomach. They are also preferred as they constitute a light food.
o Fatigue: Light and white grape juice replenishes the iron content present in the body and prevents fatigue. Though, the dark grape juice might not give an iron boost and on the other hand, decrease the iron levels. Drinking grape juice also provides you with instant energy. The anti-oxidants present in grapes also provide the needed boost to your immune system.
o Kidney disorders: Grapes can substantially reduce the acidity of the uric acid and helps in the elimination of the acid from the system, thereby reducing the work pressure of kidneys.
o Breast cancer: Through a latest study, it has been discovered that purple colored Concord grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer. Significant reduction in mammary tumor mass of laboratory rats was seen after they were fed the grape juice on the experimental basis.
o Alzheimer’s disease: Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes reduces the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Studies suggest that grapes can enhance brain health and stall the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
o Macular degeneration: Grapes can prevent the age related loss of vision or macular degeneration. Three servings of grapes a day can reduce the risks of macular degeneration by over 36 %.
o Prevents cataract: Flavonoids present in grapes have antioxidants, which can reduce and fight the damage caused by free radicals such as cataract apart from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and age related problems.
o Blood cholesterol: Grapes contain a compound called pterostilbene, which has the capacity to bring down cholesterol level. Saponins present in grape skin can also prevent the absorption of cholesterol by binding with it.
o Antibacterial activity: Red grapes have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and can protect you from infections. They have a strong antiviral property against poliovirus and herpes simplex virus.
o Anticancer properties: Grapes are found to have strong anti cancer properties due to the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol present in grapes. It is particularly effective in colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins present in grapes have properties of an anti-proliferate and can inhibit the growth of cancer causing agents. Grape juice not just prevents the risk of cancer but also suppresses the growth and propagation of cancer cells. The pigments contained in grapes enhance the overall immunity of the body.
A growing body of evidence is proving that one of our most popular and delicious fruits is also one of the healthiest - dark grapes. Among the many benefits of dark grapes are protection against asthma, migraine, constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration, cataracts, high cholesterol, edema, and antibacterial activity. Perhaps the most exciting news about dark grapes is their ability to protect against age related memory decline and even improve memory.

The high content of vitamins and minerals in grapes are responsible for their many health benefits. The fruit contains high levels of A, C, and B6, together with folate, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, and iron, all the ingredients necessary to maintain a healthy body. Grapes also contain polyphenols which contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce DNA damage caused by free radicals. Polyphenols have been the focus of research with regard to preventing such conditions as aging, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and even cancer. Recent animal research has indicated that polyphenols found in grape seeds can reduce the development of plaque in the brain that is associated in Alzheimer`s.
Health benefits of grapes
Grapes are rich in polyphenolic phytochemical compound resveratrol. Resveratrol is one of powerful anti-oxidant, which has been found to play protective function against cancers of colon and prostate, coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections.
Resveratrolreduces stroke risk by altering the molecular mechanisms in the blood vessels. It does so firstly by reducing susceptibility of blood vessels damage through decreased activity of angiotensin (a systemic hormone causing blood vessel constriction that would otherwise elevate blood pressure) and secondly, through increased production of the vasodilator substance, nitric oxide (a beneficial compound that causes relaxation of blood vessels).
Anthocyanins are another class of polyphenolic anti-oxidants present abundantly in the red grapes. These phyto-chemicals have been found to have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, as well as anti-cancer activities.
Catechins, a type of flavonoid tannin group of anti-oxidants found in white/green varieties has also shown to have these health protecting functions.
In addition, the berries are very low in calories. 100 g fresh grapes just provide 69 calories but zero cholesterol levels.
Grapes are rich source of micronutrient minerals like copper, iron and manganese. Copper and manganese are an essential co-factor of antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is specially concentrated more in raisins. In addition 100 g of fresh grapes contain about 191 mg of health benefiting electrolyte, potassium.
They are also good source ofvitamin-C, vitamin A, vitamin K, carotenes, B-complex vitamins such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamin.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bananas are mentioned in the Qur’an as one of the fruits of Paradise:
... فِي سِدْرٍ مَخْضُودٍ وَطَلْحٍ مَنْضُودٍ وَظِلٍّ مَمْدُودٍ وَمَاءٍ مَسْكُوب وَفَاكِهَةٍ كَثِيرَةٍ لَا مَقْطُوعَةٍ وَلَا مَمْنُوعَةٍ

Amid thornless lote-trees, and banana-trees (with fruits), one above another. And extended shade, and water flowing constantly, and abundant fruit, neither intercepted nor forbidden. (Surat al-Waqi’a: 28-33)

Benefits of Banana

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

PMS: Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

Anemia : High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. InThailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood Enhancer tryptophan.

Smoking &Tobacco Use: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

Strokes: According to research in The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!

Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape!

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe it's time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A banana a day keeps the doctor away!'
8 Health Benefits of Bananas

Banana, the once-exotic fruit, has found its way into our daily lives. Whether sliced over cereal or blended in a smoothie, here are eight great reasons to include about four bananas a week in your diet.

One banana has 11% of the RDA of dietary fiber and only about 108 calories. The fiber in bananas not only keeps digestion regular, but also helps maintain low blood sugar and curbs overeating.

Lower Blood Pressure
Studies show that the high amounts of potassium in bananas (over 13% of the RDA) can lower one's blood pressure, which in turn lessens the possibility of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Bone Health
Along with lowering blood pressure, potassium prevents the weakening of the body's bones. A high sodium intake, which is typical of many American diets, can cause excessive amount of calcium to be lost through the urine, which threatens not only the strength and general health of the bones, but also negatively affects blood clotting, proper muscle contraction, and normal nervous system function. The potassium found in bananas neutralizes the high amounts of sodium in one's diet, thus allowing for healthy amounts of calcium to remain within the body.

High Nutrient Absorption
The potassium in bananas is not the only means to ensure healthy levels of calcium in the body. Bananas also contain high levels of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) that--along with insulin--promotes calcium absorption. FOS further nourishes healthy bacteria in the colon that manufacture vitamins and digestive enzymes that boost the body's overall ability to absorb nutrients.
Healthy Digestive TractBananas can diminish the uncomfortable effects of diarrhea and constipation. The high amounts of potassium in bananas can restock electrolytes that are easily depleted when suffering from diarrhea -- potassium being an important electrolyte itself. Furthermore, bananas can relieve the body from constipation and help restore regular digestion with pectin, a soluble polysaccharide that helps normalize the digestive tract.

Rugged Gut
Bananas protect the healthy constitution of the stomach in two ways. Firstly, they trigger the production of mucus in the stomach, which provides a protective barrier against stomach acids. Secondly, bananas possess protease inhibitors, a substance that breaks down bacteria in the stomach that cause ulcers. (Moreover, protease inhibitor also obstruct the replication of certain cells and viruses, including HIV.)

Cancer Prevention
A large study by the Internal Journal of Cancer illustrates that the probability of developing kidney cancer is greatly lessened by frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables, though especially bananas. For instance, the probability of developing kidney cancer in female subjects decreased by 50% when eating bananas four to six times a week.

Vitamin B6
One banana has an impressive 34% of the RDA of vitamin B6, which serves many important roles in the body's health. For example, the B6 in bananas acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps ward off cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, as well as obesity. B6 also contributes to the maintenance of the lymphoid glands that ensure the production of healthy white blood cells that protect the body from infection. Finally, the vitamin B6 in bananas plays a pivotal part in cell formation and proper nervous system function, making one banana a day a healthy and delicious choice.

Monday, July 30, 2012


1- Kula au kunywa  kwa kukusudia.
2- Kila kinachoingia tumboni au kooni kwa kukusudia.
3- Kukutana kimwili (kuingiliana) kati ya mume na mke.
4- Kujitoa manii (mbegu za uzazi) au kusababisha kutokwa na manii (kwa kujichezea sehemu za siri, kukumbatiana au kupigana mabusu nakadhalika).
5- Kujitapisha kwa makusudi. Imepokewa hadithi kutoka kwa Abu Hurayrah (radhiya Allahu 'anhu)  amesema: amesema Mtume (Swalla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam): { mwenye kujitapisha basi inamuwajibikia kulipa.}
(wameipokea maimamu watano).

6- Kutokwa na damu ya mwezi (hedhi) au damu ya uzazi (nifasi).

*Wakati wowote yanapomtokea mwanamke mawili hayo funga yake ya siku hio itakuwa imeharibika na itamlazimikia kuilipa siku hio baada ya mwezi wa Ramadhani.


Nyudhuru za kuacha kufunga zinatofautiana na kila udhuru una hukumu yake, na hapa nitazielezea  nyudhuru hizo kwa ufupi.

1-    Hedhi (damu ya mwezi) na nifasi (damu ya uzazi), huu ni udhuru ambao unamlazimisha mwanamke kuacha kufunga, na inakuwa haramu kwake funga na iwapo atafunga haitosihi
(haitokubaliwa) funga yake, na ni wajibu kwake kulipa funga hiyo.

2- Maradhi au Safari. Na mwenye udhuru wa maradhi (yanayotibika kwa kawaida) pamoja na msafiri wanaruhusiwa kutokufunga na itawawajibikia kulipa. Amesema Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) :{{Atakaye kuwa katika mji katika huu mwezi (wa Ramadhani) afunge. Na mwenye kuwa mgonjwa au safarini, basi (atimize) hisabu (ya siku alizoacha kufunga) katika siku nyingine. Mwenyezi Mungu anakutakieni yaliyo mepesi wala hakutakieni yaliyo mazito.. .}} (2:185).      Na kama maradhi yatazidi au kumletea madhara iwapo atafunga basi itakuwa lazima kwake kutokufunga.

*Ama safari ambayo inaruhusiwa kwa sababu yake kutokufunga wanachuoni wengi wemesema: Ni safari ya siku mbili kwa ngamia au kwa mwendo wa miguu (mar-hala mbili) ambayo ni sawa na umbali wa takiribani kilomita (85km). Na ruhusa hii inapatikana kwa msafiri anayesafiri kwa chombo cha aina yoyote atakachosafiria,ijapo kwa dhahiri safari hiyo haimpi uzito wowote.

3- Vizee (vikongwe) na wenye maradhi sugu (yasiotarajiwa kupoa). Na haya mawili iwapo yana msababishia madhara basi ni katika udhuru na ruhusa ya kuacha kufunga, na itamlazimikia atoe fidia kwa kumlisha masikini kibaba (mudi) cha chakula (ambacho ni sawa na na uzito wa gramu 600g takiribani)au chakula kinacho mshibisha masikini mmoja kwa kila siku aliyoacha kufunga.

4- Waja wazito na wanyonyeshaji.
Nao ni katika wenye ruhusa ya kutokufunga, na inawabidi kulipa siku walizoshindwa kufunga kwa sababu ya udhuru huo.

5:Iliemzidia njaa au kiu na akahofia kuangamia, huu pia ni katika udhuru wa kuacha kufunga, bali wamesema wanachuoni kwamba: yule mwenye kuhofia kuangamia inakuwa kwake ni wajibu kufungua, na itamuwajibikia kulipa kama mgonjwa

Azam Marine & Coastal Fast Ferries Announces Kilimanjaro IV

Azam Marine & Coastal Fast Ferries in currently undergoing project “Kilimanjaro IV” which will be an addition to the already present Kilimanjaro series (I, II and III). The new state of the art Catamaran is now undergoing construction and is expected to be finished by April of 2013.

The new vessel will have a length of 44.7 meters and a seating capacity of 656 passengers. It can reach a top speed of 36 knots with full capacity. It is going to be built with the latest and state of the art Marine Grade Aluminium.

We as Azam Marine & Coastal Fast Ferries value the safety and the comfort of our passengers and therefore the new vessel will be fully fitted with safety items and comfortable seating arrangements.

Below is the Sketch of the newly awaited vessel along with the building progress.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

machangu wala vichapo

Machangu wamekiona cha mtemakuni! Wakati Mfungo wa Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan ukiwa katika chungu cha nane, akina dada wanaofanya biashara haramu ya kuuza miili maarufu kama Machangudoa au Chipsi Funga au Wauza Sukari Tamu, wamekula viboko laivu baada ya kutuhumiwa kuwatega Waislamu.
Tukio hilo lilijiri katikati ya wiki hii ambapo vijana wa Kiislamu waliodai ni wa kikundi cha Jumuiya ya Uamsho Tanzania Bara walizunguka mitaa mbalimbali ya Jiji la Dar es Salaam na kuwashushia fimbo machangu ambao kwa sasa wametapakaa kila kona jijini.
WATUMIA BAJAJ Kwa mujibu wa shuhuda wetu, waumini hao, wakiwa wamevaa kanzu huku wakitembea na bakora mkononi walichukua jukumu la kukodi Bajaj na kuzunguka maeneo mbalimbali jijini inapofanyika biashara hiyo haramu ya ukahaba.
BARABARA YA SHEKILANGO Vijana hao waliolenga kukomesha biashara hiyo hasa kipindi hiki cha mfungo walianzia kwenye Barabara ya Shekilango inayokatiza kwenye viunga vya Sinza, Dar ambapo kila kituo cha daladala kuanzia Afrika Sana hadi kwenye mataa ya Shekilango waliwakuta machangu na kuwatandika viboko kabla ya kutua mitaa ya Mwenge.
KINONDONI Baada ya kufagiafagia Sinza kwa kuwaadabisha wanawake hao ndipo zoezi likahamia mitaa ya Kinondoni ambapo nao walipokea bakora za kutosha huku wengine wakitoka nduki.
Kwa mujibu wa vijana hao, walifikia hatua ya kufanya zoezi hilo baada ya muumini mmoja wa kiume kukatiza maeneo ya Corner Bar, Afrika Sana na kuvutwa kisha kuchezewa nyeti na makahaba na kusabisha kuharibika kwa swaumu yake.


Ilielezwa kuwa baada ya kukutwa na kimbembe hicho, ilibidi muumini huyo kukatiza safari yake ya kwenda kuswali msikikini mishale ya saa 2:00 usiku.
Ilisemekana kuwa aliporudi nyumbani alitawadha na kufunga safari nyingine ya msikitini na alipofika kwenye nyumba hiyo ya ibada ndipo akawasimulia waumini wenzake ambao nao walikasirishwa na kitendo hicho hivyo wakapanga kuvamia maeneo yote ya biashara hiyo ili kuwashikisha adabu.
Waandishi wetu, wakiwa kwenye mishemishe zao za kutafuta habari mishale ya saa 5 usiku waliwashuhudia waumini hao wapatao saba wakishuka kwenye Bajaj nyeusi maeneo ya Sinza wakiwa na bakora mikononi kisha kuwavaa machangu hao na kuwatandika.
Wakati wakitekeleza zoezi hilo, jamaa hao walisikia wakiwaambia: “Sisi tupo kwenye swaumu nyiye mnatutega, ala!”
Waumini hao waliongeza kuwa makahaba hao wamekuwa hawaheshimu mwezi huu Mtukufu wa Ramadhan ndiyo maana wanaendeleza biashara yao hiyo ya aibu.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ummu Suleim (RA)

Uislamu umekuja kutuletea furaha ya Dunia na ya Akhera, na Mwenyezi Mungu akatuandalia Pepo kwa ajili ya furaha ya milele kwa wanaume na wanawake.
Katika historia kuna wanawake katika uislamu waliofanya makubwa na matukufu katika upande wa elimu, ibada, jihad, nk.
Kwa vile tunaelewa kuwa mama ndie shule ya kwanza, na sote tumeipitia shule hiyo, basi leo tutawakumbuka waalimu wakubwa hawa (mamama) waliotenda mambo yasiyosahaulika katika historia ya dini yetu tukufu, na tunawaombea Mungu awarehemu, na sisi pia tutie nia ya kufanya kama walivyo fanya watukufu hawa walotangulia.

Huyu si swahaba na pia ni mama yake Swahaba Anas bin Malik (RA), na jina lake ni "Rumaila". Alisilimu mapema lakini mumewe - baba yake Anas (R) alikataa kusilimu na ikawa ni sababu ya kufarakana ,na mumewe aliyekwenda kuishi Syria mpaka akafa huko.
Watu wengi walikuja kutaka kumuoa lakini Ummu Suleim (RA) alikataa, isipokuwa alipokuja Abu Twalha (RA basi Ummu Suleim (RA) akakubali na akaweka shuruti (haja) yake kabisa, akamwambia Abu Twalha: "Wewe wajuwa kuwa kuabudu masanamu ni makosa au hujuwi?" Abu Twalha akasema: "Najuwa:", Akamambia: "Basi huoni haya wala makosa kufanya hivo? Mimi niko tayari kuolewa na wewe na sitaki mahari yoyote kwako, isipokuwa nakutaka Usilimu. Uwe Muislamu, na kusilimu kwako ndio mahari yangu" Abu Twalha akakubali na akasilimu, akamuoa na wakaishi maisha ya furaha, imani na dini, na ndie mwanamke peke yake katika maisha ya Mtume (SAW) aliyefanya hivo.
Aliptimia umri wa miaka kumi Ummu Suleim (RA) alimchukua mwanawe kwa mume wa kwanza Anas bin Malik (R) mpaka kwa Mtume (SAW) na kumuambia: "Ewe Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu, kila mtu katika mji wa Madina amejikurubisha kwako kwa jambo au kitu, lakini mimi sina kitu ila huyu mtoto wangu Anas (RA), nataka akutumikie." Mtume (SAW) akakubali na akamchukua.
Tukiendelea tutaona kuwa Ummu Suleim (R) alimtaka mwanawe apate shule na madrasa ya Mtume (SAW). Anasema Anas (R) "Nimemtumikia Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu (SAW) miaka, na hakuna hata siku moja alinambia mimi mbona umefanya hivi au mbona hukufanya hivi."
Msimamo mwengine wa kukumbukwa katika maisha ya Ummu Suleim (RA) ni baina yake na mumewe Abu Twalha siku ile mwanawe mchanga alipofariki dunia na mama akamchukua na kumzika ubavuni mwa nyumba yao, na mumewe aliporudi kutoka safarini, mke akajiandaa kumpokea mumewe asimwambie kuwa mwanawe keshafariki dunia, bali alimwambia: "Mtoto wetu amepumzika", akikusudia kuwa keshapumzika na dunia. Na hakumwambia isipokuwa baada ya asubuhi kuingia na baada ya mumewe kuoga ndipo alipomjulisha ukweli na mume akakasirika sana, akatoka na kwenda kushitaki mkewe kwa Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu (SAW).
Hebu tuangaliye ni jawabu gani aliyopata huko? Mtume (SAW) alimuambia: "Mungu aubariki usiku wenu huo." Inasemekana kuwa walizaa watoto saba wasomi wa Quran vizuri.
Ummu Suleim (RA) alishiriki katika vita vingi vya jihad baina Waislamu na Makafiri, kama vita vya Hunain nk., na  ushujaa wake ulikuwa mkubwa sana, hata Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu (SAW) katika hadithi moja akasema: "Nimeingia Peponi nikasikia sauti ya mam yaake Anas bin Malik (RA)."
Bukhari 3679 Kitab al-Manaqib.
Ukumbusho na ushujaa wake ni wa kukumbukwa milele, Mungu amuweke pema na atupe sisi moyo na imani katika wakati wetu huu ambao vita vya fikra na usasa vimekuwa vikubwa zaidi, na jihadi ya nafsi na moyo ndio kazi ngumu sana.

Meli tatu zafutiwa usajili kuepusha ajali

Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mamlaka ya Usafiri wa Baharini Zanzibar
 Abdullah Husein Kombo wakati alipokuwa akizungumza na 
waandishi wa habari ofisini kwake leo Malindi Mjini Zanzibar
Mamlaka ya Usafiri wa Baharini Zanzibar imezifutia rasmi 
hati ya kufanya kazi Meli ya Mv.Kalama, Mv.Seagul na Mv.Sepideh
 kutokana na meli hizo kutokukidhi hali ya usalama wa abiria katika meli hizo.
 Aidha meli hizo zimepewa muda wa mwezi mmoja kuanzia leo kuhakikisha
 zimeondoka katika maeneo ya Zanzibar kabla ya hatua zaidi kuchukuliwa 
dhidi ya wamiliki wa Meli hizo.

Kauli hiyo imetolewa na Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mamlaka ya Usafiri wa Baharini Zanzibar Abdullah Husein Kombo wakati alipokuwa akizungumza na waandishi wa habari Afisini kwake kuhusu hali ya usafiri wa baharini na usalama Zanzibar.

Amesema Mamlaka hiyo imefanya tathmini na uhakiki wa kutosha na kujiridhisha kuwa Meli hizo hazifai kufanya kazi katika maeneo ya Zanzibar jambo ambalo limepelekea kuchukua hatua za kufuta hati za kufanyia kazi meli hizo.

Amefahamisha kuwa sababu kuu zilizopelekea Mamlaka kufanya maamuzi hayo ni pamoja na uchakavu,umri wa meli hizo kuwa mrefu na kupata matatizo mara kwa mara katika safari zao.

“Tnafanya operesheni kabambe hadi  meli zote ambazo hazina kiwango zimeondoka katika bandari yetu” alisema Kombo ambaye ni Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Mamlaka ya Usafiri baharini Zanzibar.

Kombo amefahamisha kuwa Sheria ya Mamlaka ya Usafiri na Bandari Zanzibar ya mwaka 2006 kifungu cha 17.1 inampa mamlaka Msajili wa Meli kuifuta meli yoyote ambayo itakuwa haikidhi usalama wa abiria.

Kufuatia sheria hiyo Kombo amesema watawataka wamiliki wa Meli hizo kuzirudisha hati za kufanyia kazi meli hizo ili waende kutafuta sehemu nyengine za usajili kinyume na maeneo ya Zanzibar.

Akizungumzia Meli ya Mv.Serengeti Kombo amesema wamelazimika kuiagiza meli hiyo kupunguza idadi ya abiria kutoka watu 800 hadi 350 na tani za mizigo kutoka 100 hadi 50  hadi pale ambapo watajiridhisha kutokana na hali ya meli hiyo ilivyo.

Aidha amegusia kuwa Kampuni ya Bakhresa italeta Meli kubwa ya abiria itakayofanya kazi zake Zanzibar ambapo pia Serikali ya Mapinduzi nayo iko mbioni kuhakikisha wanaleta meli inayokidhi mahitaji ya wananchi wa Zanzibar.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tofauti Baina Ya Mwanamume Na Mwanamke Katika Uislamu

Tabia na Maumbile:

  • Mwanamme ameumbwa kutokana na  udongo/tope/vumbi na mwanamke kaumbwa kwa ubavu.

  • Allaah Amekadiria ada [hedhi] ya mwezi kwa mwanamke na sio kwa mwanamme. 

  • Mwanamme huota ndevu lakini mwanamke haoti, na ikiwa ataota basi anaruhusiwa kuzinyoa.

  • Wanawake ni wapungufu wa ibada na uwezo wa kufikiri. Mathalan katika utoaji wa ushahidi, mwanamme mmoja ni sawa na wanawake wawili. Vile vile wakati wa ada zao za mwezi [hedhi] huwa hawafungi wala kuswali.

  • Wanaume wamepewa madaraka  juu ya kuwasimamia wanawake.

  • Manii ya mwanamme ni meupe na ya mwanamke ni manjano.

  • Ni wajib kufanyiwa tohara [jando] kwa mwanamme na ni Sunnah kwa mwanamke.

  • Kutoga masikio kwa ajili ya mapambo kumeruhusiwa kwa wanawake na sio kwa wanaume.


  • Mkojo wa mwanamke una harufu kali na najsi zaidi kuliko wa mwanamme.

  • Inapendekezeka  kwa mwanamme kutia wudhuu tena pindi anapotaka kurejea pahali pale pale katika tendo la jimai.


  • Adhana na Iqaamah sio lazima kwa wanawake na sio sawa kwa mwanamke kuadhini.

  • Mwanamke huswali nyuma ya mwanamme, hata ikiwa mwanamke huyo yupo peke yake. Lakini mwanamme Swalaah yake itakuwa si sawa (haipendezi) ikiwa ataswali peke yake nyuma ya mwanamme mwenziwe. 

  • Mwanamke hawezi kuwa Imaam wa wanaume kwenye Swalaah.

  • Ikiwa mwanamke anawaswalisha wanawake wengine, ni lazima asimame katikati ya safu. Wakati mwanamme aposwalisha husimama mbele peke yake.

  • Swalaah ya Jama’ah ni waajib kwa wanaume na sio kwa wanawake.

  • Safu iliyo bora kwa mwanamke katika Swalaah ya Jama’ah ni safu ya nyuma, na iliyo bora kwa mwanamme ni safu ya mwanzo.

  • Imependekezwa kwenda kuswali Msikitini Swalaah za usiku kwa wanaume na sio kwa wanawake.

  • Ikiwa Imaam atakosea katika Swalaah, mwanamke anatakiwa kupiga kofi lakini mwanamme hutakiwa kusema “Subhaana-Allaah”

  • Wanawake hawalazimiki kuhudhuria Swalaah ya Ijumaa, wanaume ni lazima.

  • Wanawake hawatoi khutbah ya ‘Iyd, Ijumaa, kupatwa kwa jua au mwezi, wala Swalaah ya kuomba mvua.

  • Swalaah hukatika ikiwa mwanamke atapita mbele ya mwanamme anayeswali, na ikiwa mwanamme atapita mbele ya mwanamme anayeswali basi Swalaah yake huwa ni sahihi.

  • Swalaah ya ‘Iyd ni waajib kwa wanaume, lakini si kwa wanawake. Hata hivyo imependekezwa kwa wanawake kuhudhuria ikiwa kutakuwa hakuna jambo litakaloleta fitna.

Swalaah ya Maiti:

  • Jama’ah husimama upande wa kichwani ikiwa wanamswalia maiti wa kiume na husimama katikati ikiwa ni maiti mwanamke.

  • Haipendezi kwa wanawake kuzuru makaburini, lakini wanaume wameshauriwa kufanya hivyo. 

  • Wanawake hawawezi kusindikiza msafara wa mazishi, lakini wanaume wanaweza.

  • Wanawake wanapokufa huoshana na kuvishana sanda wao kwa wao, na wanaume pia ni hivyo hivyo isipokuwa ikiwa ni mume na mke.

Zakaah na Swadaqah:

  • Wanawake wamehimizwa kutoa Swadaqah zaidi kuliko wanaume

  • Mwanamke anaweza kuwapa Zakaah watoto wake na mumewe, lakini mwanamme hawezi kuwapa Zakaah watoto wake wala mkewe.

  • Fidia ni jukumu lake mwanamme na sio mwanamke. Hii hutokea ikiwa mwanamme kwa makusudi kafanya kitendo cha ndoa na mkewe katika mchana wa mwezi wa Ramadhaan.

  • Mwanamke hawezi kufunga Swawm za Sunnah bila ya ruhusa ya mumewe. Mwanamme anaweza kufunga Swawm za Sunnah bila ya ruhusa ya mkewe.


  • Mwanamke ni lazima awe na mtu asiye weza kumuoa (Mahram) wakati wa safari.

  • Mwanamke hatakiwi kunyanyua sauti yake wakati wa Talbiyah, mwanamme anatakiwa anyayue sauti yake.

  • Ihraam ya mwanamke ni zile zile nguo zake za safari sio lazima nyeupe.

  • Mwanamme anaweza kufanya Ramal, yaani kwenda mbio ndogo ndogo baina ya Swafaa na Marwaa, na kuizunguka Ka’bah; mwanamke hatakiwi kufanya hivyo.

  • Haishauriwi kwa wanawake kujaribu kubusu au kugusa Jiwe Jeusi wakati wa msongamano.

  • Mwanamme anaweza kupanda kilima cha Swafaa na Marwaa, mwanamke hatakiwi kufanya hivyo.


Mtoto wa kiume huchinjiwa kondoo wawili, mtoto wa kike huchinjiwa kondoo mmoja.

Jihaad, Vita, na Uongozi  

  • Hakuna wanawake waliokuwa Manabii wala Mitume.

  • Mwanamke hawezi kuwa kiongozi wa watu wala jeshi.

  • Mtume (Swalla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) alifungamana agano kutoka kwa wanaume kwa kupewa mkono wa bay’ah na kaungwa mkono na wa wanawake kupitia matamshi.

  • Si kama ilivyo kwa wanaume, Wanawake hawawajibiki kupigana Jihaad. Hata hivyo kuna baadhi ya hali ambazo ni lazima ziambatanishwe kabla wanaume hawajajiingiza katika wajibu huu.

Ndoa, Talaka, na Eda:

  • Wanawake wanapewa talaka, sio wanaume.

  • Wanaume wana mamlaka ya talaka, ndoa na kutoa mahari; sio wanawake. 

  • Mwanamme anaweza kuoa mwanamke wa Ahlul-Kitaab [Mayahudi na Wakristo] ikiwa mwanamke huyo sio mzinifu. Mwanamke hana haki hii ya kuolewa na mwanamme wa Ahlul-kitaab.

  • Mwanamme anaweza kuowa mke zaidi ya mmoja. Mwanamke hawezi kuwa na mume zaidi ya mmoja.

  • Harusi na karamu ya harusi (walima) ni jukumu la mwanamme na sio mwanamke.

  • Imeruhusiwa kwa wanawake kupiga dufu katika harusi zao. Hii hairuhusiwi kwa wanaume.

  • Matengenezo, na majukumu na huduma za familia ni jukumu la wanaume na sio wanawake.

  • Mwanamke yupo chini ya mamlaka ya mumewe. Mwanamme hayupo chini ya mamlaka ya mkewe. 

  • Mwanamke hawezi kutembelewa katika nyumba na mtu yoyote bila ya kupata ruhusa ya mumewe. Mwanamme hahitajii ruhusa kutoka kwa mkewe.

  • Malaika humlaani mwanamke ikiwa atamtenga mume wake katika kitanda. Mwanamme hapati laana ikiwa atafanya hivyo.

  • Mwanamke ni lazima apate ruhusa ya mumewe kabla hajatoka nyumbani. Mwanamme hahitajii ruhusa ya mkewe anapotoka nyumbani.

  • Mwanamme hana eda isipokuwa anapotaka kumuoa dada au mama mdogo wa mke aliyemuacha. Hata hivyo ikiwa mwanamme atamuacha mkewe wa nne na akataka kumuoa tena basi itambidi amsubiri mpaka amalize eda yake.

Mavazi na Mapambo:

  • Mwanamke ameshauriwa kujipamba akiwa ndani ya nyumba yake na kwa ajili ya mume wake.

  • Ni haramu kwa mwanamke kujishabihisha na wanaume kwa mavazi yao. Na mwanamume pia haipasi kujishabihisha na wanawake.

  • Ni wajibu kwa wanawake kurefusha nguo zao zivuke chini ya vifundo vya miguu yao. Mwanamme kurefusha suruali na kanzu hadi zikavuka chini ya mafundo ya miguu ni haramu.

  • Mwanamke hatakiwi abadilishe nguo zake isipokuwa akiwa yumo ndani ya nyumba yake au pahali pa stara. Haya hayapo kwa wanaume.

  • Hijabu ya mwanamke ni lazima afunike mwili wote na uso.

  • Wanawake wameruhusiwa kuvaa mapambo ila tu asiyadhihirishe kwa wasio mahaarim wake.

  • Wanaume hawawezi kuvaa hariri, lakini wanawake wanaweza.